

  • Easy to install - simple requirements, simple syntax, lots of options

  • Based on ForeignKey and ManyToManyField, so it’s easy to query

  • Autocomplete support built in, if you want it

  • Supports multiple independent tag fields on a single model

  • Can be used as a CharField with dynamic choices

  • Supports trees of nested tags, for detailed categorisation

  • Admin support for managing tags and tagged models


Install with pip install django-tagulous, add tagulous to Django’s INSTALLED_APPS and define the serializers, then start adding tag fields to your model:

from django.db import models
from tagulous.models import SingleTagField, TagField

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    title = SingleTagField(initial="Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms")
    skills = TagField()

A SingleTagField is based on a ForeignKey, and a TagField is based on a ManyToManyField.

They have relationships to a TagModel, which is automatically created for you if you don’t specify one.

Assign strings to the fields to create new tags:

myperson = Person.objects.create(name='Bob', title='Mr', skills='run, hop')
# myperson.skills == 'run, hop'
myperson.skills = ['jump', 'kung fu']
# myperson.skills == 'jump, "kung fu"'
runners = Person.objects.filter(skills='run')

Use them like a normal Django relationship in your queries:

qs = MyRelatedModel.objects.filter(
    person__skills__name__in=['run', 'jump'],

As well as this you also get:

  • tag field support in public forms and the admin site, including autocompletion

  • easy to build tag clouds

  • ability to nest tags in trees for more complex categorisation

Take a look at the Example Usage to see what else you can do, or read on through the documentation to see exactly how everything works.


This documentation uses a few terms to explain the ways tags are stored and set:

Tagged model

A model which has been tagged using Model Fields.

Tag model

A model where the tag definition is stored. It must be a subclass of tagulous.models.TagModel, but will be auto-generated by a tag field if it is not explicitly set.


An instance of a tag model

Tag name

The unique name of a tag, eg "run". This is the value stored on the name attribute of a tag model.

Tag string

A tag string is a list of tag names stored in a single string, in tag format, eg "run, jump, hop". The format of this string is defined by the Tag String Parser.

Comparison with other tagging libraries

Popular tagging libraries for Django include: * django-taggit * django-tagging * django-tagging-ng

If you are already using one of these, read Converting to Tagulous to see what is involved in switching to Tagulous.

Tagulous is easier to use and has more features, and is a proven library which has been in use since Django 1.4.

Real relations

The Tagulous TagField is based on ManyToManyField, so you can set and query tag objects like a normal M2M field, but also use tag strings and lists of tag names.

django-tagging and django-taggit both use generic relations, which tend to be second-class citizens in Django - they are often slower and lack functionality compared to native FK and M2M fields. This means they have a more convoluted syntax and queries are more complex and limited.

Separate tag models

In Tagulous, tag models can be independent or shared - this allows you to have multiple tag fields on one model which each have their own sets of tags, or share sets of tags between fields and models as you wish - see the Tag Models documentation for more details.

You can also easily define custom tag models in Tagulous, to store additional data on with tags - see the Custom Tag Models documentation and this example for more details.

django-taggit can be configured to use custom models so it can have separate sets of tags, but requires a bit more work. django-tagging does not support separate sets of tags or custom models.

More customisable

Tagulous is designed to be configurable. For example, it lets you protect tags from being removed when they’re no longer in use, they can be case sensitive, forced to lowercase, you can specify a maximum number of tags for a field, and whether or not space should be used as a delimiter. See the Tag Options documentation for more details.

django-tagging only lets you force tags to lowercase, and django-taggit only lets you toggle case sensitivity.

Built-in autocomplete

Tagulous has built-in support for autocomplete; tags can either be embedded into the page, or queried using the ajax views provided. It uses Select2, but it has been designed to be easy to switch that out for something else using autocomplete adaptors.

The JavaScript and Python code is closely integrated - the same tag parser has been implemented in both to ensure tag strings are treated consistently.

Neither django-tagging and django-taggit support autocomplete out of the box; you need to add another library to do that.

Better admin support

Tagulous tag fields are first-class citizens in Django’s admin site. You can show them in list_display, use them to filter your model, and can register tag models to rename and merge tags. Tag fields and autocomplete work throughout admin forms and inlines. See the Admin documentation for more details.

django-tagging and django-taggit tags cannot be shown in list_display, and there are no special admin tools.

Single tag mode

The standard TagField is based on a ManyToManyField for conventional tagging, but Tagulous also provides a SingleTagField, which is based on ForeignKey. This acts more like a CharField with dynamic choices that users can add to at runtime. See the Model Fields documentation for more details.

django-tagging and django-taggit don’t have an equivalent feature.

Hierarchical tag trees

Tagulous has a tree mode, which lets you create sub-tags using the / character in a tag name. You can query and navigate a tag tree as you would expect (querying for parents, siblings, children, descendants etc), as well as rename and merge subtrees from your code or the Django admin. See the Tag Trees documentation for more details.

django-tagging and django-taggit don’t have an equivalent feature.

And there’s more

Tagulous is packed with small features which make it easy to work with, such as:

  • a more robust tag string parser with better support for quoted tags.

  • automatic slug generation, and path generation for tree tags.

  • tag model managers and querysets have a weight method to make it easy to build custom tag clouds.