============ Contributing ============ Contributions are welcome, preferably via pull request. Check the github issues to see what needs work. Tagulous aims to be a comprehensive tagging solution, but try to keep new features from having a significant impact on people who won't use them (eg tree support is optional). When submitting UI changes, please aim to support the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer through progressive enhancement - users of old browsers must still be able to tag things, even if they don't get all the bells and whistles. Installing ========== The easiest way to work on Tagulous is to fork the project on github, then install it to a virtualenv:: virtualenv django-tagulous cd django-tagulous source bin/activate pip install -e git+git@github.com:USERNAME/django-tagulous.git#egg=django-tagulous pip install -r src/django-tagulous/requirements.test.txt (replacing ``USERNAME`` with your username). This will install the development dependencies too, and you'll find the tagulous source ready for you to work on in the ``src`` folder of your virtualenv. Testing ======= It is greatly appreciated when contributions come with unit tests. Pytest is the test runner of choice:: pytest pytest tests/test_file.py pytest tests/test_file::TestClass::test_method Use ``tox`` to run them on one or more supported versions:: tox [-e py39-django3.2] To use a different database (mysql, postgres etc) use the environment variables ``DATABASE_ENGINE``, ``DATABASE_NAME``, ``DATABASE_USER``, ``DATABASE_PASSWORD``, ``DATABASE_HOST`` and ``DATABASE_PORT``, eg:: DATABASE_ENGINE=pgsql DATABASE_NAME=tagulous_test [...] tox Most Tagulous python modules have corresponding test modules, with test classes which subclass ``tests.lib.TagTestManager``. They use test apps defined under the ``tests`` dir where required. Run the javascript tests using Jasmine:: pip install jasmine cd tests jasmine # open in your browser Javascript tests are defined in ``tests/spec/javascripts/*.spec.js``. Code overview ============= Tag model fields start in :source:`tagulous/models/fields.py`; when they are added to models, the models call the field's ``contribute_to_class`` method, which adds the descriptors in :source:`tagulous/models/descriptors.py` onto the model in their place. These descriptors act as getters and setters, channeling data to and from the managers in :source:`tagulous/models/managers.py`. Models which have tag fields are called tagged models. For tags to be fully supported in constructors, managers and querysets, those classes need to use the classes defined in :source:`tagulous/models/tagged.py` as base classes. That file contains a ``class_prepared`` signal listener which tries to dynamically change the base classes of any models which contain tag fields. Model fields take their arguments and store them in a ``TagOptions`` instance, defined in :source:`tagulous/models/options.py`. Any ``initial`` tags in the options can be loaded into the database using the functions in :source:`tagulous/models/initial.py`, which is the same code the ``initial_tags`` management command uses. When a ``ModelForm`` is created for a model with a tag field, the model field's ``formfield`` method is called. This creates a tag form field, defined in :source:`tagulous/forms.py`, which is passed the ``TagOptions`` from the model. A tag form field can also be created directly on a plain form. Tag form fields in turn uses tag widgets (also in :source:`tagulous/forms.py`) to render the field to HTML with the data from ``TagOptions``. Tag strings are parsed and rendered (tags joined back to a tag string) by the functions in :source:`tagulous/utils.py`. Everything for enhancing the admin site with support for tag fields is in :source:`tagulous/admin.py`. It is in two sections; registration (which adds tag field functionality to a normal ``ModelAdmin``, and replaces the widgets with tag widgets) and tag model admin (for managing tag models).